Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Let's Scrap. . .Finally!

I was hoping to have more time this new year to scrapbook, but all of my spare time has been filled by the four-legged furballs in our house. We added a new member to the family, Truman, and he is a cutie! I was able to do a few pages for a Let's Scrap Blog Hop and here they are!

Kristy, Greg and I ran in Woodforest's 5k/10K.
Here are a few quick iPhone shots to remember the day.

Baxter was the cutest jester ever this Halloween and even won Petsmart's Halloween competition. I am already taking suggestions for this year's costume for him and Truman!

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Kyetra said...

I love the top layout. I have never seen anything like it. The use of the paper pieces is wonderful! I will have to steal it for something soon. ;0

Audrey Yeager said...

I LOVE that first layout! So glad you are scrapping again, even with some busy puppy stuff going on! And thanks for your sweet comment on the ST post! :) See you soon!